Why We Need To Switch To Grass Drinking Straws?
Humans use plastic for their daily utensils such as water bottles, bags, food containers, and single-use plastic straws. Every year, people emit billions of tons of garbage into the environment, and most plastic items take hundreds of years to biodegrade.
Once plastic reaches the environment, it spread throughout the agricultural soils and accumulates toxic to our food chain sources. It directly affects human health and causes many diseases such as cancer, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic inflammation, and stroke.
Why human need to switch to biodegradable products?
Different plastics spread throughout the ocean. As Styrofoam breaks into smaller parts, polystyrene components sink lower into the sea, so the pollutant spreads throughout the sea column.
The toxins in plastic affect the ocean but acting like sponges, and they soak up other toxins from outside sources before entering the sea. As animals ingest these chemicals in the sea, this is not good for humans. We as humans consume contaminated fish and mammals.
Plastic pollution is our significant challenges. As a human, we should do something for our earth. Let's change our lifestyle, switch to eco-friendly products such as grass drinking straws, reuse plastic bags, say no to single plastic use, and encourage making products easily reusable, towards zero waste.
Check out more Eco-Friendly Products, Alternatives To Plastic Products